
Pilates: Killing Mother Gaia, one stability ball at a time

Well, so says Inspector Green:

(Hat tip: Coyote Blog)

That headline alone should make my point.  One of us — either me, or the reporter — is living in a happy-assed bullshit fantasy, and I’m willing to bet it’s not me.  Let me quote from this fragrant pond of fertilizer:

A few weeks ago, I wrote about the heavy, and often unnecessary, energy use of many fitness clubs. Perhaps some of you who prefer pilates to conventional gym-going had a moment of righteousness: After all, pilates doesn’t focus on cardiovascular exercise, and often takes place in studios that evoke the same chemical-free, clean living as a yoga studio.

But after I rolled over a stability ball at my gym the other day and caught a big rubbery whiff of what I’ve learned is the smell of phthalates, I decided to look into the purity of the pilates toolbox, particularly products made by SPRI, which seems to have cornered the S.F. market.

Wait for it… wait – for – it – – – !

dredge some care

Listen.  Children. If you want an ecologically viable and sustainable form of exercise, lace up your fucking boots and go outside and run.  If the weather outside will literally kill you — and by “literally” I do mean “literally”, not “figuratively” — then by all means stay inside, but spend your time shadow-boxing rather than wolfing down a quart of Haagen-Dazs and moaning about how you don’t have a fucking Bosu stability trainer.

And while I’m on the subject of cataclysmically misplaced priorities: I am not rightly able to apprehend the level of self-indulgent sanctimonious ignorance that compels a supposedly environmentalist journalist to wade through several days’ worth of news about the federal fucking government propping up a pair of car companies who’ve built their meager attempts at profitability upon evading CAFE standards and conclude that the most pressing issue upon which s/h/it should report is phthalates in gym equipment.


    10 Responses to “Pilates: Killing Mother Gaia, one stability ball at a time”

    1. April 2, 2009 at 12:14

      Every time I meet one of these idiots I’m sorely tempted to smack ’em. These dolts are so self-absorbed they can no longer separate fact from reality.
      Thoughts like ”often takes place in studios that evoke the same chemical-free, clean living as a yoga studio” just make me want to puke.
      Guess what? The world ‘aint like a freaking yoga studio! Get used to it!

    2. April 2, 2009 at 12:37

      It just occurred to me that if these dipshits really want an environment that’s as “clean and chemical-free” as we can find, I’d gladly pay higher taxes to shoot ’em all into space.

      (Welcome, Tamalanche visitors! Thanks for coming by, and enjoy your stay.)

    3. April 3, 2009 at 04:20

      I have misappropriated your photo in this post. I have no idea where I’ll use it (but I will give due credit). Just because i thought it was high-larious.

    4. April 3, 2009 at 06:20

      It’s hard to decide whether an “environmental reporter” is more hopelessly biased or scientifically ignorant.

      Hey, why should we have to choose? How about a twofer?!

    5. April 3, 2009 at 14:00

      Larry: You’re welcome to it. I found it floating around the net somewhere; I’d say failblog.org but it doesn’t have the right watermark.

      Borepatch: Why limit ourselves to environmental reporters?

    6. April 5, 2009 at 05:06

      Not only am I stealing that poster, I’m stealing Larry’s excuse for doing so!

      And as for this “reporter”, what the hell are phthalates, why should I care, and why doesn’t he find out where his testicles are and get a real job?

    7. April 7, 2009 at 23:28

      Remember, it’s not about reality, it’s about how I FEEL. These are the same jokers that demand alternative energy sources, but when you finally put up the freakin’ propellor farm, they won’t let you run the high-tension wires to actually get the electricity anywhere. Because of teh environment.

      I don’t know why we keep listening to these dorks.

    8. August 18, 2014 at 22:07

      I go to see day-to-day a few sites and blogs to read
      articles or reviews, but this blog gives feature based content.

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