
Pants-shitting hysteria: you’re doing it wrong

Every once in a while, the CBC outdo themselves.  Just today, they released a scare-mongering piece about a violent drug gang getting busted in Victoria:

Part of the formula for pants-shitting hysteria among Canadian newscritters is a mention of firearms:

During the raids, police also seized several guns, including a sawed off shotgun, $1,000 worth of cocaine and $3,000.

A more universal element of the PSH formula for drug busts is a table-o’-goodies shot, showing the evil guns with minds of their own and the evil drugs with minds of their own that were courageously taken off the streets by fearless, dedicated public servants:

(Photo used without permission, copyright lies with the CBC.  I just wanted to keep it around in case they replace it with something less embarrassing.)

As captioned by the CBC:

Police seized weapons, drugs and cash during a raid on alleged members of the Red Scorpions gang in Victoria. (CBC)

Those are paintball markers, not firearms.  They are weapons only in the sense that any object can be a weapon if you try hard enough.  As far as PSH eye-candy goes, though, this is fucking pathetic.

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anarchocapitalist agitprop

Be advised

I say fuck a lot



Statistics FTW